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How to Create Your Dream Extension With Skylights

Skylights are all the rage in today's home extensions, especially in kitchens and living rooms. They invite lots of natural light, making your space feel more welcoming and lively. People are choosing skylights for their extensions to make their homes feel brighter, boost property value, and support a greener, more energy-efficient way of living.


Benefits of Extension Skylights

The main reason extension skylights are becoming more and more popular is down to the vast benefits they have:


More Natural Light

Skylights flood your extension with natural light, reducing the need for artificial lighting and creating a brighter, more vibrant space.


Improved Ventilation

Many skylight models can open, providing your extension with fresh air and improved air circulation, which is especially beneficial in kitchens.


Energy Efficiency

By maximising natural light and ventilation, skylights can help reduce your reliance on heating, cooling, and artificial lighting, leading to lower energy bills.


Improved Aesthetics

Skylights add a modern, sophisticated touch to your extension, transforming ordinary spaces into stunning areas with a unique architectural element.


Increased Property Value

Homes with skylight extensions often attract more interest and can command higher prices, making them a smart investment.


Customisation Options

With a variety of sizes, styles, and features, skylights can be tailored to meet your specific needs and preferences, ensuring a perfect fit for your extension.


Types of Extension Skylights

Different types of extension skylights cater to the different requirements of your space:


Circular Rooflights

Round, eye-catching skylights offer a unique design element, providing subtle focal points while evenly distributing natural light.


Flat Rooflights

Sleek and modern, flat rooflights blend seamlessly with your roofline, offering a contemporary look while flooding your space with daylight.


Modular Rooflights

Flexible and versatile, modular rooflights can be combined in various configurations. They can be interlinked to create a large span of rooflighting, providing a customised lighting solution for your space.


Roof Lanterns

Roof lanterns are amongst the most popular extension skylights, extending above the roofline and adding character to the interior and exterior of your home.


Whether you're seeking a statement piece or a subtle addition, our range ensures you'll find the ideal solution to brighten your extension with natural light.


Installation & Compatibility of Extension Skylights

Installing skylights in your extension is easier than it seems, especially with the right products and guidance. While the installation process can differ depending on the type of skylight you choose, Daylight Systems' flat roof windows are engineered to make installation straightforward and hassle-free. Whether you're a DIY enthusiast or prefer professional installation, these skylights are designed with simplicity in mind.

To help you get it right, we created installation videos for each model. These videos provide step-by-step instructions, ensuring you can confidently install your new skylight, or understand the process if you're hiring someone to do it for you.

Remember, compatibility is key when choosing a skylight for your extension. It's important to select a model that works with your roof type and design preferences.


Best Place to Install Extension Rooflights

Choosing the right place to put your kitchen skylight really makes a difference. You want it in a spot that not only lights up the room well but also adds to the aesthetic. For example, popping a skylight above your kitchen island can make it a standout feature and give you great light for cooking or hanging out. Or, if you place one near where you eat or cook, it can make those areas feel more welcoming and bright, or even more ventilated. Think about where the sun travels too – a skylight that catches the morning sun can kickstart your day, while one that gets the evening light can help you unwind.

Don't forget to consider how big the skylight is and how it fits with your kitchen's look. You'll also want to think about how it might affect the temperature in your kitchen or your need to flick on the lights. Getting the placement right means your kitchen won't just be well-lit, it'll have that special something that ties the whole room together.


Choosing the Right Skylight

Selecting the perfect skylight is crucial to improving your living space, as it influences not only the aesthetics but also the functionality of your room. The right skylight can transform an ordinary room into a bright, airy, and inviting space.

When considering your options, keep in mind that each type offers unique benefits, whether it's the charm and even light distribution of circular rooflights, the sleek integration of flat rooflights, the customisable configurations of modular rooflights for small or expansive roof areas, or the architectural statement made by roof lanterns. Your choice should align with your space's specific needs, design preferences, and structural requirements, ensuring that your skylight adds value and comfort to your home.

Consider the features you might need, and how they can improve your space. For instance, if your skylight will be near your kitchen hob, a ventilated or opening skylight is a smart choice to help clear out cooking smells and steam.

Other things to consider:



Ensure the skylight fits within your financial means while still meeting your quality and functionality needs.



Choose between electric, manual, or fixed skylights based on your need for ventilation. Please note that not all models of skylight can be opened.


Glazing Type

Select the right glazing to improve energy efficiency, reduce noise, and protect against UV rays.


Room Size and Shape

Pick a skylight that complements the room's dimensions and maximises natural light distribution.


Building Regulations for Extension Skylights

While there are regulations in place that can affect some skylight installations, most standard installations aren’t affected. However, there are still measures and processes you must be aware of:


Planning Permission for Skylights

Generally, you won't need planning permission in England and Wales if the skylight doesn't protrude more than 150mm above the roof plane, isn't higher than the roof's peak, and the building isn't listed or in a conservation area.


Permitted Development

Skylights often fall under Permitted Development, allowing installation without planning permission, subject to local rules and specific conditions.


When Permission is Needed

If the skylight extends significantly above the roofline, is on a listed building, or is in a conservation area, you'll likely need planning permission.


Application Process

If required, the planning permission process involves filling out forms, submitting plans and documents, and typically takes about 8 weeks for a decision.


Tips for Success

Ensure accurate, high-quality plans and documents, potentially with the help of an architect, to support your application.


Key Takeaways

Here are some of the key points to keep in mind when creating your dream skylight extension:


  • Extension skylights will improve your space by increasing natural light, ventilation, energy efficiency, aesthetics and property value.


  • There are a range of different skylights to suit your extension.


  • Installation varies by type, but Daylight Systems entire range is designed for straightforward setup.


  • Consider budget, operability and features, and your room’s size and shape to find the perfect skylight for your extension.


  • Be sure to check national and local regulations and guidance to ensure installation meets regulatory standards.


Frequently Asked Questions

How much is a skylight extension?

The cost of a skylight extension varies based on size, type, and installation complexity, typically ranging from a few hundred to several thousand pounds. You can find the prices of all our skylights here.

Do you need a skylight in an extension?

While not a necessity, a skylight in an extension can significantly improve natural light, improve ventilation, and add aesthetic appeal, making it a valuable addition to many projects.

Can I put a skylight in my home extension without planning permission?

In England and Wales, you usually don't need planning permission for skylights unless they exceed certain dimensions or if the building is listed or in a conservation area. In Scotland, the rules are stricter, so always check local regulations.

Do extension skylights add value to your house?

Yes, extension skylights can add value to your house by improving natural light, improving energy efficiency, and boosting the property's aesthetic appeal, making it more attractive to potential buyers.


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